
Letter of Information

Relationship satisfaction across the lifespan:
Understanding the role of emotional and social competency

You have been invited to participate in a study on “Relationship satisfaction across the lifespan: Understanding the role of emotional and social competency” being conducted by Dr. James D. A. Parker in the Psychology Department at Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.

Previous research has found that satisfying romantic relationships is a key factor in successful ageing. It is a good predictor of well-being and overall life satisfaction. Other work also suggests that a critical factor in developing and maintaining relationship satisfaction is emotional and social competencies (ESCs) — often called emotional intelligence. ESCs involve abilities and competencies related to recognizing, understanding, and managing your emotions and the emotions of others.

Unfortunately, despite these important findings current research on ESCs and relationship satisfaction has tended to focus only on younger adults. To help address this research gap, we are looking for couples of diverse ages to take part in a study on relationship satisfaction.

Working independently (no peeking at how your partner is answering), each person will complete their own survey (either online or in a paper and pencil format). This survey will take about 45 minutes. The first part of the survey asks participants to answer some basic demographic questions, then to complete several self-report measures on ESCs, relationship satisfaction, and personality. The last part of the survey asks each person to rate their spouse/partner on several ESC measures.

The proposed study has the potential to broaden our understanding of the factors contributing to successful ageing.


You and your partner are being asked to complete the survey in one of two ways: 1. Doing the survey online, or 2. Doing a paper-and-pencil version of the survey. If you and your partner would like to complete the survey online a link is printed at the end of this document.

If you or your partner would like to do this study in the paper-and-pencil format (and then return the study materials in a self-addressed stamped envelope) or would like to find out more details about the study, our contact information is also included at the end of this document.

After completing the online version of the survey, the final screen contains a detailed description of the goals of the present study. You will then be invited to use a separate link to enter your name and contact information in a draw for one of five $100 Amazon gift cards. If you complete the paper version of the study, you will be given information about how to receive the same detailed description of the study and how to get enrolled for the gift card draw.

The proposed research will not involve any deception or risk beyond what you, as an individual, may expect in daily life. As a volunteer, you are free to discontinue your participation at any time. You may also refuse to answer any questions you don’t want to answer and remain in the study.

All information collected will be stored anonymously. Your name will not be attached to the stored data, so individual responses cannot be linked or traced back to you or any other specific participant. The data collected will be reported in the form of group averages and at no time will any individual outside of the immediate research team have access to the information that is provided.

This study has been reviewed and approved by the Trent University Research Ethics Board (Ethics File #28240). If you have questions regarding your rights as a research participant, contact:

Jamie Muckle,
Certifications and Regulatory Compliance Officer,
Trent University,
Telephone: (705) 748 1011, ext. 7896
E-mail: jmuckle (at) trentu (dot) ca

You can access the survey by following this link (please share this link with your partner to get them to complete  the study as well):

If you would like to participate in the study via a paper version of the study (or have questions regarding this research, and/or your participation in it) you are encouraged to contact Dr. James D. A. Parker at (705) 748-1011 x7935 (Email: jparker (at) trentu (dot) ca).

If you would like to download a PDF version of this Letter of Information, please click here.